I’m a veteran design professional with over 20 years experience in my field.
I care deeply about my work, and am continuously honing craft and process. I try to be empathetic to both clients and their audiences. I ask nuanced questions, and don’t take things personally.
I’m traditionally trained, but have spent much of my career working in the interactive and digital space, ranging from UX strategy and planning, to visual design, UI and production. I have led teams on websites, mobile apps, interactive TV & VOD apps, full rebrands, marketing campaigns, and have a good grasp on video and animation too.
For the past 15 years, I’ve run a design agency in Denver called Techni—color Grayscale.I enjoyrunning teams and projects, keeping creatives inspired, and doing the pen-to-paper work, getting my hands dirty as much as I can.
I love what I do.
My team at TechGrayscale published a zine called Etc., a collection of photography, design, typography, experiments…etc.
Issue 2 is in the works.
Spreads from a recent editorial design project with Bynd.